4 definitions by The Unit "151"

A loud, sharp fart that crackles as it exits the ass. A head-turner because of its loudness. A huge source of embarrassment to the thucker.

Slutella: "Oh, Jamie, you have such a hot, sexy bubble-butt! Let me give you a rim job with my toungue."

(Just as Slutella has lovingly inserted her toungue on the rim of Jamie's anus, a loud T H U C K takes her totally by surprise!!)

Slutella: "You bastard! Get dressed and drive me home!"

Jamie: "Thuck you!"
by The Unit "151" January 11, 2007
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CB radio term. To smash a CB puppet outta the box. When puppets and baby radios are jumpin' up and down on the freuqency like nobody's business, you just gotta drop the maul on 'em, assuming you're a monstah station. This is called boomphing. This shuts 'em up. Here's how to do it:

Let's say a puppet is jumpin' up and down on your receive. You are tryin' to say top o' the fine to a distant radio station out there on the 40 channel MHz band. But this puppet scratchin' bullshit artist is makin' all kinds o' noise on the band. Being a monstah station, you crush receives of all kinds. So you just key up, pump up the volume with a little bit o' modugotz, crank up the audio drivers, man, and drop the maul on the skwakin' puppet who's usin' a baby radio. BOOOMMMPPPPHH! And he's gone!
PUPPET: "Blah, blah, blah."

MONSTAH STATION: "Eh, yaw nuttin' but a piece o' gahbidge baby radio . You're the biggest bullshit artist of all of 'em out there. BOOMPH!!!! And yaw gone!
by The Unit "151" September 9, 2006
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To rip out a loud and lengthy fart.
Jiggs: "Yo Raul, your sister makes great frijoles and rice. Don't you agree?"

Raul: "Bah-braaaaaak!"
by The Unit "151" May 26, 2007
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Noted shortwave-radio hobbyist and well-respected attendee of the Winter SWL Fests held annually in Kulpsville, PA. As a maverick of cutting-edge fashion, he has made indoor scarf-wearing all the rage among the trendiest hipsters and tripsters of radio ghettos worldwide. Never satisfied with mere radio listening, he has personally logged several thousand serial numbers of every type of radio equipment ever produced. In addition to this exhaustive pursuit, he can be seen frequently recording audio clips of the forums presented at the Winterfests.

A true radio original..
As a sideline, Scarfman works with worldwide police departments and Interpol as a Stolen Radios Recovery Consultant, providing serial numbers that match with numbers provided to the authorities by the victims of radio theft.
by The Unit "151" January 6, 2008
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