6 definitions by The U^d3rtak3r

the exclusive club ruled by the Yackawayan King, where each member is assigned a job title essential to the clan.
Potential Member: "Can I join the Yackawayan Club?"
Yackawayan King: "NO!!" (King kirks-out, quick stabs)
Potential Member: (death girgles, dies like a pussy)
by The U^d3rtak3r November 30, 2006
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The "Bitches & Hos" song was a song created in my mind as the greatest rap/r&b song even. unfortunately, I don't have enough musical talent to ever create it. It starts out "All my Bitches and my Hos are out tonight." and ends with "Fuck ya'll."
Guy1: "Dude, did hear the new rap hit, the "Bitches & Hos" song?"
Guy2: "No, I'm such a pussy 'cause I listen to country."
by The U^d3rtak3r December 1, 2006
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a member of the Yackawayan Club. only those appointed by the Yackawayan King can join. each new member receives a special job title essential to the survival of the clan. if can find the King, you are probably already a member of this club.
Yackawayan Assasin1: "The King and Queen will be at the party tonight."
Yackawayan Assasin2: "I'll bring my rifles and the Red Bull."
Yackawayan Healer: "And I'll bring the medkit."
by The U^d3rtak3r November 30, 2006
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Potential Member: "Look, there go a group of yackawayans!"
Yackawayan Assasin1: (uses badass sword to cut down pussy)
Potential Member: (death girgles, dies like the other pussy)
by The U^d3rtak3r November 30, 2006
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for a guy, having sex 12 times in a row, each time doing something totally gross
Guy1: "Dude, I made it to 144th base last night!"
His Friend: "How many gallons of Chlorox Bleach did you use to clean the rug?"
by The U^d3rtak3r November 30, 2006
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has nothing to do with Captain Kirk.
to go crazy, flip out, an action performed by the Yackawayan King.
Yackawayan King: "I'll kirk-out on you bitch."
Potential Member: "Please forgive me."
Yackawayan King: (kirks-out, ripping his head off)
Potential Member: (death girgles, dies like another pussy)
by The U^d3rtak3r November 30, 2006
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