11 definitions by The Pirate of Pissants

An animal that must exist because sometimes when you look down in the toilet, you can his little brown tail coming down out of the flush hole in the bowl. Very Reclusive-usually only the tail is visible.
I can't go to the crapper. I am scared the toilet gator will get me.
by The Pirate of Pissants September 24, 2005
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A gear bar or duffel frequently carried by police. The contents of the bag can include extra ammo, snack food, a sweater, or any other equipment that supplements the cops issued gear, makes his work more comfortable, or prepares him for that unknown encounter that most cops fear. Probably from the spanish word "trique" which loosely translates to stuff.
1. The smiling border patrolman reached into his tricky bag and tossed the starving wetbacks a MRE.
2. "Rookie, your first job each day is to pick out a good vehicle with a working A/C and good times radio and park it near the building so I don't have to carry my tricky bag very far."
3. I am ready for an ambush because my tricky bag contains 200 rounds of ammo and a hand grenade my brother-in-law smuggled off post.
by The Pirate of Pissants November 20, 2005
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Office workers that have been there so long, and do so little, that you only notice them when they move or are missing.
Hey where's Fred? It's like somebody took a piece of the furniture !
by The Pirate of Pissants April 7, 2011
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The act of unrolling the toilet paper part way, then wiping a shit-laden finger on the tissue, then carefully re-rolling it. The future victim encounters a shitty piece of tissue, much to their horror and disgust.
Oh, gross! Some dirty bastard Sanchezed the TP and I got it on me when I was done taking a shit!
by The Pirate of Pissants December 24, 2013
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When somebody looking over your shoulder tells you to post something on somebody's Facebook page, when you have no desire to leave a message for that person.
Girlfriend: "Hey! Post Happy Birthday" on your nephews Facebook page !"

Me: "I don't even know him. He is my sister's son."

Girlfriend: "Just do it !"

Me: "Yes, m'am-you are a Facebook Proxy."
by The Pirate of Pissants October 29, 2010
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Perjorative slang for a Beretta handgun (as carried by a military person or federal cop)
My burrito is rusty and it rattles so bad I can't hit the side of a barn.
by The Pirate of Pissants February 18, 2006
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The price you pay for oversleeping. You sleep so late that you have to buy breakfast on the way to work/school. Sometimes it's a cost/benefit equation: Is sleeping late worth the price of breakfast at a drive-through restaurant?
Q: Yo man! Why you so broke?
A: Ahh man, these late nights at the club are killing me! I've had to pay sleep tax three times this week. I'm sure getting tired of Mickey Dee's sausage muffins and hashbrowns.
by The Pirate of Pissants May 6, 2007
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