4 definitions by The Mighty Minter

Noun: the bad feeling one gets upon waking up on a Sunday.

Noun: a general feeling of crushing numbness and boredom one feels on a Sunday.
Oh, goddamn - I'm feeling some bad Sundayflim today.

What's with you: Sundayflim?

Why the heck are you all Sundayflimmed? It's Monday, for frick sake!
by The Mighty Minter July 17, 2010
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Ewwwww! My son's such a spleenager!

Ever since Josh became 15, he's become all spleenagery.

That's such a spleenagerish thing to say, insert typical smelly teenager's name here.
by The Mighty Minter July 17, 2010
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Noun: the art of talking bullshit competitively.
Fancy a game of wafflesport?

Goodness, Jimmy, you bullshit so unrelentingly I think you ought to take up wafflesport.
by The Mighty Minter July 17, 2010
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Noun: the random-access memory found in computers made of fruit.
My computer runs on Banana-Ram-a. Did I mention that it's made from guava, banana peel, and apple cores...?
by The Mighty Minter July 17, 2010
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