3 definitions by The KGB

A rapidly rising star in the world of music that is showing that there is good music out there.

Its name implies that it is the "grandaddy" of something, as some people would say that Doom is the grandaddy of first person shooter games for example.
Grandaddy did the best show on new year's eve.
by The KGB March 15, 2004
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The abominably painful process that has brought so many people into this world. If there is anything that nature screwed up, it is childbirth, probably the most painful experience imaginable, and a lot of women died during childbirth before modern medicine.
When I saw a video of childbirth once, I went home and apologized to my mom.
by The KGB September 14, 2003
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A legend in the world of music, also acted several times, including the role of Andy Warhol in the movie, "Basquiat".
Basquiat: So what, are you doing some sort of piss painting?

Andy Warhol: This oxidation art.

Basquiat: Yeah I hate cleaning paintbrushes too.
by The KGB March 16, 2004
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