11 definitions by The Fig

Acronym for Return On Relationship Analysis. An evaluation of give-and-take in a relationship from an analytical perspective. Do you get more than we receive? Or do they take more than we give?
I just ran an R.O.R. Analysis in my head about this Layla I've been dating. And it just doesn't add up? I lick her lady parts like a popsicle on a hot summer day, buy dinner all the time, rub her back, say nice shit to her.

And fuck, I NEVA get my dick sucked, get little gifts, dinners, lunch or even a get taken to a stinkin' movie!

I think I'm gonna have to call it and dump her the R.O.R. says "You're an idiot if you stay with her."

slefish fellatio blowjob selfish no-blow taker giver generous
by The Fig February 20, 2016
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Little itty bits of chips at the bottom of the chip bag and the left-over salsa at the bottom of the salsa jar mixed together.
Jim was so jonesing for munchies that he poured the chip-ettes in with the double-dippin left overs at the bottom of the El Paso jar and spooned up the Salscereal .
by The Fig April 16, 2008
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A restroom user who, but virtue of thoroughness, or just total fucked-up/odd ass-wiping technique leaves shit-stained dingle-berries all over the toilet and toilet seat.
Dude, I just went to drop a deuce in the handicap poopin stall and get this; the effing Dinglemonster struck again...little brown rolled up pieces of teepee on the seat, on the floor...all over! Who is this guy? Who could wipe their ass in a manner that leaves dirty shit-paper all over the throne?
by The Fig January 8, 2010
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The sight of something so effing cute, such as a beagle puppy playing, or any cute puppy, or baby dressed in a onesie that makes them look like a bear or some other fuzzy cute animal. Take an already cute baby, add the onesie multiplier effect and it is too much for most passionate, feeling people to take. Once the cute-rage has occurred, this energy must be dissipated by punching something, typically a large pillow which provides enough resistance for the blows to feel satisfying or hugging the kid/dog so hard their eyes pop out; as this is not an option, you hit the pillow and run around swearing about the cuteness. Cute-rage CANNOT and does not occur with inanimate objects. The DSM only defines cute-rage to occur after seeing a living thing that is off-the-charts cute, or doing something similarly cute.
Holy fawking shit, did you see that four-year-old dressed up as a lion? He had a tail, the hood with ears a la Max from Where the Wild Things Are, whiskers painted on his chubby little cheeks! When he trick-or-treated my house I almost punched a hole in the door from the cute-rage; I was so overtaken by his off-the-charts cuteness! He even growled at me with this little kid voice before the "trick-or-treat".
by The Fig February 6, 2011
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