20 definitions by The Commodore


A set date between an individual and subscription based Internet pornography; can be preceded by dinner and drinks.
Sorry, I can't make it today. I have a masterdate.
by The Commodore June 22, 2007
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A contemporary style of dance where emaciated suburbanites with mood disorders sway back and forth to music that sounds like a billy goat doing a poetry reading over a funeral dirge.
I swear to Flying Spaghetti Monster, the next guy I see emowobble to Bright Eyes is going to get a mouthful of angry.
by The Commodore June 22, 2007
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The absolute worst channel of all time. Blatantly rips off already terrible shows like Pawn Stars.
Guy 1: Let's watch tru TV!
Guy 2: Get the fuck out of here. We are no longer roommates.

Guy 1: What?
Guy 2: That's it. (Shoots Guy 1)
by The Commodore January 8, 2014
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1)A very unattractive female.

2)A slang term for 'moose' in parts of New England and Canada.

3)A person at a party whose alcoholism and self-loathing climax in a rampage of solo mosh dancing, belligerent taunts, and a thin veneer of sweat, saliva, and vomit.
1) John tried to fix me up with a his swamp donkey cousin, I was drunk and desperate enough yet smart enough to do it Coyote Style.

2) I decided to ignore the swamp donkey crossing sign during their mating season... the Abercrombie beast climbed on top of my car and wrecked it with humping motions.

3)Sorry I was such a swamp donkey last night, but could you please bail me out of jail?
by The Commodore June 22, 2007
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A casual bacchanalia defined by a shocking lack of female revelers.

Also see 'Sausage Fest'
Steve's party was a total brodeo - the only people who showed up were his brother, his friend Giles, and that guy whose fingers smell like milk.
by The Commodore June 22, 2007
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The moment when a woman pulls off a tight outfit and flab that had been bound like sausage in it's casing comes cascading down.
I couldn't believe she was going to sleep with me - until she pulled off her dress. Once I saw that flabalanche, it all made sense.
by The Commodore August 27, 2008
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A swordsman whose unrivaled powers of seduction have elevated him to near-mythic status among his friends.
Nate scored last night at the club, which is, like, his third hookup this week. Dude is a straight-up trim reaper.
by The Commodore August 27, 2008
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