13 definitions by The Anrkissed

Mr. and Mrs. Brown: king and queen of the hobos.
Weren't these two people, The Brown's, panhandling yesterday and the day before here?
by The Anrkissed September 21, 2019
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sick fresh dope tight ill righteous sweet bomb phat wicked rad awesome badass cool

SWI ~ An expression used to describe an individual that is "too la'git to quit"! Someone you like to be around, someone you already are now, someone you would like to emulate. Your BFF is sik wid it! Your favorite teacher or counselor is definately sik wid it. A positive influence like a mentor or role model who has characteristics you admire is sik wid it. The tree hugg'in environmentalists are sik wid it. The HUMANITARIANS of the world like the late great Princess Di' and Mother Theresa are notably sik wid it individuals due to the fact that they give a fuck about the homeless, sick, poor, and mentally ill. Philanthropist are sik with it. Rather than THROWING AWAY hundreds of thousands of $$$ on a Goddy Sweet Sixteen Party for their spoiled brat - they might generously donate that $$$ to open a club-house or boxing ring for inner city kids for example. Now thats sik wid it! Artists, actors, poets, musicians, dancers, writers, or any person who has even the slightest bit of creativity, whatever the medium, is sik wid it. And any individual who is on a spiritual quest is sik wid it. People are composed of MIND, BODY, & SOUL. Those on their spiritual quest are sik wid it. They may be members of an organized religion or simply search their local library or book stores for books on metaphysics or spirituality.
Nina: "Meilani: One's goal in life ought to be to become an individual who is sik wid it! Here's a list of my top 5 SWI faves:"

1.)Embark on one's spiritual journey
2.)Become a good parent/guardian
3.)Be the best BFF you can be
4.)HUMANITARIAN-help homeless, poor, sick
5.)Environmentalist-help save the planet

Meilani: "Ninaaaa...THAT'S LA'GIT!"
by The Anrkissed November 29, 2008
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crystal meth meth tweeker methamphibian A female of any age that is addicted to crystal meth. Spunderella's primary goal for most of her day is to "chase the bag"; arrange hooking up with the meth dealer, friends, anyone and everyone she thinks might be holding. She is on a mission to get spun and stay spun on meth.
Sean: "Is that your grandmother dude?"

Daniel: "NO fucktard, thats my mom. She used to be a spunderella, twacked out on meth for the past 7 years but then she went to rehab. Give her about 6 months and she'll be looking like she used to when she was a pre-school teacher.

Sean: "MMMM, A MILF?"

(Daniel punches Sean in the arm)
"Daniel: "Don't go there dude before you make me kick your ass!
by The Anrkissed May 8, 2008
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niggers white trash trailer trash rednecks arabs islam mohammad quran islamic religion lazy beaners gang bangers crack heads meth addicts coke heads spunderella drop outs Bush drug addicts townies dictators

Stuck On Stupid. Most: niggers, white trash, sand-monkies, and lazy beaners. This acronym is used for anyone who drops out of highschool, college, or does not earn a GED or some sort of trade skill. Becomming SOS is a choice.
Nina: "God I hate fucking niggers, whites, arabs, and lazy beaners!"

Dwayne: "Jesus, why are you so prejudiced?"

Nina: "'Cuz they're all SOS. If Niggers would have gone to college they wouldn't be out there gang-banging, killing each other like fucktards. But I guess thats a good thing 'cuz then there are less niggers. If those white trash fucktards would have gone to college I wouldn'd have to look at their disgusting trailer parks and there wouldn't be so much domestic violence. If it weren't for those Islamic sand-monkies they wouldn't be living in a shit hole of a country and we wouldn't be in this mother fucking war! And if it weren't for these God Damn Blessed Mother, Santa Maria, Catholic, wetback lazy beaners, 25% of my mother fucking paycheck wouldn't go to pay for their medical, foodstamps, and welfare! If they're going to come to this country they need to enroll in school, go to college, get a job, and pay taxes like the rest of us, instead of breading like the fucking cockroaches they are.

Dwayne: "oh."
by The Anrkissed May 9, 2008
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5150 mentally ill mental bipolar manic depressive

NOT GUILTY BY REASON OF INSANITY. A get out of jail free card.
Prosecuting Attorney: "Mrs. Vickers, is it, or is it not true that you tried to contact your cousin Andres, whom is a known Mexican Mafia leader now serving three life sentences in the SHU at Pelican Bay State Prison to kill your husband?"

Mrs. Vickers: (with her head in her hands weeping) "Yes, but you don't understand, I am a certified bonafied 5150 since childbirth."

Jury: "Your honor, we find the defendant NGRI, not guilty by reason of insanity."

Judge: "Is that your final verdict?"

Jury: "Yes your honor."

Judge: "Mrs. Vickers, you are found NOT GUILTY of murder in the second degree. You are free to go. Court adjourned.
by The Anrkissed May 11, 2008
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men fucktard townie

A guy who wastes his time spending hours playing playstation or spanking his monkey (masterbating).
Erika: "Sean, why are you being such a monkey spank? You've been playing playstation for fucking hours! Why don't you do some homework or hang out with your girlfriend?"
by The Anrkissed May 11, 2008
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