6 definitions by The insane one

A person who is a fan of more than one Star Trek series, who may not necessarily dress up as characters or believe that it is actually real. The steryotype of the dressing up nerds has been perpetuated by poor American cartoons and over fanatical freaks who sicken even us other Trekkies.
Yes i'm a Trekkie, but i'm not a retarded nerd as well
by The insane one November 12, 2003
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Robotic lifeform created in huge government-run factories and occasionally allowed out to the shops or to have families created to maintain the malicious lie that they are in fact human.
We had a free lesson 'cause our teacher had to go in for it's yearly servicing
by The insane one November 12, 2003
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Josh is a pirate!(A.K.A. Captain Qwert) But he says eh instead of what or duh, thats the mighty power of Canada and its pirate!... His 1st mate is Maniac Morgan and her Camel. The lookout is Kera, who is also the ship's main hooker.
Look over thurr its captain Josh and his scurvy crew!
by The insane one January 12, 2005
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A wonderful, wonderful Sci-fi program, most probably the best one out there. It has the most realistic acting characters(and by that i mean ones who aren't all good or all bad) and is the most probable representation of what the future would be like.
by The insane one November 12, 2003
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A fan of more than one Star Trek series, who may or may not necessarily dress up as characters or believe that it is real. The dressing up steryotype has been perpetuated by poor American cartoons and sad freaks who sicken even us other Trekkies.
Yes i'm a Trekkie, but i'm not a retarded nerd as well
by The insane one November 12, 2003
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