5 definitions by The Society to Prevent Boredom

"Ooh! John's turning 15 on Friday! Let's go shopping for a beefday present!"

"Happy Beefday, Meghan!!!!"
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1. having to do with raming
2. an interjection when encountering a particularly confusing ram
3. Synonym for awesome
1. So anyway the ramingness of the raming held in this arena..
2. WTF!? Ramingness!!!
3. Whoa! Ramingness, dude!
by The Society to Prevent Boredom February 21, 2006
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Verb - To be summarized; "in a nutshell."
Well, nutshelled, that presentation is saying that smoking is bad.
by The Society to Prevent Boredom February 1, 2006
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The whole dating/girl-and-guy-liking-each-other scenario.
There was so much grammar goin' on at the dance!
by The Society to Prevent Boredom January 21, 2006
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1. Of or like a chair.
2. Synonym to radical.
1. Omg, you did that pose so chairingly.
2. Hahaha!!! Like, chairingly, dude!!
by The Society to Prevent Boredom January 21, 2006
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