19 definitions by The Don

Something that everyone would be better off if there was less of.
Don't you just love how the government takes your money and dumps it into the toilet?
by The Don October 17, 2002
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an othe name for pussy, vagina
I heard you ate her doonilla.
Her doonilla was very wet.
by The Don February 18, 2005
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To be rediculously, insanely mexican.
Damn! Look at juan the vato over there! He is definatley the most vatolicious guy around.
by The Don June 17, 2006
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is he nickesh or is he just a random boy?
by The Don December 19, 2004
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witch -- something an Italian mother would refer to her sons girl
Vinnie, are you still dating that bruha
by The Don February 9, 2005
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