4 definitions by That_Trans_Guy_Denki

(The real def) a non man attracted to only non men. People who can be lesbian includes: enbys women trans women gender fluid peeps gender neutral peeps anyone who doesn't identify as a man, including people with he/him pronouns can be lesbian if they are not men.

The people who cannot be lesbian includes: men.
Person A: I think I'm lesbian
Person B: b-b-b-but y-you-you use he/him
Person A: I'm nonbinary you dumbass bitch fuck tard umpa lumps looking ass bitch stay the fuck out of my way you intolerant shut bag

Person B: well sorry
Person A: good now die because I don't want to breath the same air as me anymore thank you
by That_Trans_Guy_Denki March 27, 2022
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Short for self injurious behavior. Similar to sh (self-harm) except sib is doing something that hurts themselves, but isn't meant to inflict harm. But sh is trying to inflict harm on themselves.
Me: when I was younger I used to sib
Person: what's that?
Me: something I did to hurt myself but I didn't mean to
Person: isn't that sh?
Me: no I didn't do that until later in life, my sib was hitting my head when I didn't get my way
by That_Trans_Guy_Denki May 18, 2022
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Person A: UwU
Person B: UwU
Person A (who knows what it means): Who will pay for the strap on??
Person B: I thought it was a emoticon?
Person A: you thought the fuck wrong
Person B: what it means then?
Person A: rail me
Person B: ofc bbg
Person A: nvm ur done
by That_Trans_Guy_Denki May 12, 2022
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