11 definitions by Texas Man

British for Sexual Intercourse. In Great Britain this is how partners offer themselves to each other. In Texas we just call it "Having Sex"
In the movie "The Bank Job", the hot British girl would offer a roll in the hay to British men of authority in order to gain leverage and information. It was entirely for business and she really did not care about their performance.
by Texas Man June 26, 2010
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American generation, born between 9/11 and the 2008 Bailout. They were raised with technology, so they don't understand concepts such as remembering phone numbers, calculating tips longhand, and the basic P&Qs of social interaction. Also, they were adolescents during the Covid-19 lockdown, so they learned how to optimize their work from behind a computer screen. They struggle to connect with other people in the public, because of their dependence on digital devices. Older generations perceive them as lazy, but in reality, they can accomplish more work with a few keystrokes and mouse-clicks than entitled Millennials and spoiled Baby Boomers could in a day of loitering at an office.
Baby Boomer: That lazy Zoomer is a total dumbass. I can't believe that a person who doesn't wear deodorant or floss his teeth can make more money than me. One day he'll have to learn to do things the old fashioned way in order to have a successful career.
Millennial: Maybe if you Boomers could just friggin die, then we might be able to get decent jobs before the Zoomers force us back into the unemployment line...again.
by Texas Man July 23, 2023
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An indecisive man, especially one that does not play tight defense on the middle school basketball court. Synonyms include wussy, pansy, wimp. Antonyms include stud, player, confident one.
That pussy can't play defense. Don't pick him for our team.
by Texas Man October 16, 2017
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