5 definitions by Terroin

Someone looking to move into a recently vacated position: an aspirant, particularly in the political sphere.
By analogy with "goneburger".
Now Judith Collins is goneburger, who will be comeburger? My money's on John Luxon. Or maybe Mark Mitchell.
by Terroin November 25, 2021
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1) An old-fashioned telecommunications device that makes digitally-encoded sounds to be received and interpreted through a telephone handset. The acoustic coupler had two rubber cups that fitted the "mouthpiece" and "earpiece of an old-fashioned phone "receiver".

2) A person who makes a lot of noise during sex.
"My phone won't fit the rubber cups on this acoustic coupler"

"Britney had her boyfriend round overnight and I couldn't get to sleep. She's such an acoustic coupler"
by Terroin April 6, 2014
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27th December: the day that marks the end of the core Christmas season. Marked by an escalation into violence of squabbles between siblings over shared presents.

The day when you wrestle the last scraps of meat from the Christmas-dinner carcass
The real Christmas season runs from Christmas Eve Eve to Wrestling Day.

It's only Wrestling Day and Wayne has already broken the Xbox!
by Terroin December 28, 2011
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The process by which digital gadgets subtly make themselves an indispensable part of our lives.
The TV series "Black Mirror" highlights the dangers of gizmosis
by Terroin November 17, 2016
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Narcissist: someone with high self-regard, who does what advances their well being, often to the exclusion of others' happiness.
"I can see how what she said to you might be uncomfortable or confusing, but she may just be a narc. For a narc, it's all about them and she doesn't think about how you might take it."
by Terroin January 2, 2015
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