4 definitions by Teh Vez0rz

An idiot, particularly when refering to the total uselessness of the male species.
Example - "Don't worry about him. He's an enormous twit of the first water."
by Teh Vez0rz July 23, 2006
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Added to the end of boring country names to make them more exciting. Such as "Swiss cheese a go-go land" Switzerland, "Hamburger a go-go land" America and "frogs legs a go-go land" France
"I'm going on holiday to Hamburger a go-go land tomorrow and I can't wait!"
by Teh Vez0rz July 23, 2006
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The same as Girlfriend. Originating from the chav spelling of the word, or "gf" which, when spoken out loud, is pronounced as "guff" thus making it much cooler.
"This is my guff, Nina."
by Teh Vez0rz July 23, 2006
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