4 definitions by Tedbob

The act of two guys smoking 2 huge bowls of grade A kush then wile stoned whipping out there dicks and having a sword fight. The winner becomes a kushknight.
DANG that guy Frank is a total Kushknight!! He smoked like 3 bowls of Kush at Larry's party last night then whipped his dick out and challenged Jose to sword fight with it,beat him off so bad he was limp for a week.
by Tedbob June 23, 2014
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Brainstorming over copious amounts of alcohol.
The plan finally came together after a night of drinkstorming with friends.
by Tedbob May 1, 2015
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Intense brainstorming while also sleeping. When you get caught falling asleep in a meeting and are suddenly awakened by an accusative colleague or boss, you tell them you were "dreamstorming".
Person 1: "Hey dumbass, you're snoring aloud in the middle of my meeting. You're sleeping?!"
Person 2: "No, dude. I was dreamstorming. It's much different."
by Tedbob October 26, 2016
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A connector-type individual that introduces people to each other.
Matthew used his talents as an introductian to connect Ashley with multiple people at the company.
by Tedbob September 17, 2021
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