33 definitions by Tdowns

While Bush probably cares the least for blacks, the truth is George Bush dosent care about most people.
Kanye: George Bush doesn't care about black people
crew: no shit but you cant say that on the air.
by Tdowns August 31, 2007
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A poorhouse or workhouse is a publicly maintained facility for the support and housing of dependent or needy persons, typically run by a local government
-where you say your going when your broke.
Could possibly be your house, because your poor.
When i hit that ferrari it sent me straight to the poor house.

these front row seats i bought just put me in the poor house.
by Tdowns August 15, 2007
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Its an expression you use when you want or needs something more than just bad.
Hey man call me back cause i need some trees mad bad!
by Tdowns June 8, 2007
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its a horoscope that whores use to find out how promiscuous they will be.

my whoreascope says i will have threesome soon, awesome!

Ahshley: whats my whoreascope say today... you will almost fuck ryan, but you will do mike for hours and possibly take it in the butt.
by Tdowns August 16, 2007
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Commonly known as a slut-machine but just as easilly a bag filled with hoes.
someone left a ho bag on my front porch. what am I supposed to do with these hoes?
by Tdowns August 16, 2007
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A dance gingers do that involves leaning and snapping, with some foot movement.
Ahh, lean back and do the ginger snaps.
by Tdowns August 14, 2007
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2 oz peach schnapps
1 oz spiced rum
6 0z orange juice

MAd tastey
3 parts that make up the tropical drink bermuda triangle
by Tdowns August 16, 2007
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