22 definitions by Tanya

being really punk
i'm listening to rancid, i'm so punx0rz!!!!'

look at that girl wearing safety pins in her nose, she's so punx0rz!!
by Tanya December 26, 2003
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An extremely over-confident male who acts like he knows everthing just because he THINKS he has a lot in the pants... the type of guy who never gets any.
a cock would say thinks like, "what would you guys do without me?" and "i'm so big i have to tape it to my leg"
by Tanya April 12, 2004
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the math teacher was embrangling the class with all of his algebra.
by Tanya January 13, 2004
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I.S. didn't ya kno that?
by Tanya December 31, 2004
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A more elegant word for pussy, mostly used by complete ass holes who never get laid.
"Grr baby, let me get some of that pusois," said the geek.
by Tanya October 31, 2004
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