13 definitions by Tamkin cpa

A list of all excursions and events you did on your bucket list that you would never do again
That zip line ride is now on my unbucket list
by Tamkin cpa December 6, 2018
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Presidents nickname since he has been accused of bribes from Ukraine
Joe Briben was allegedly taking to the Ukrainian govt in exchange to fire the prosecutor
by Tamkin cpa June 14, 2023
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When your high five is insincere
That was definitely a fake five and phony
by Tamkin cpa May 23, 2019
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Prior to starting your race you have a nervous stomach and poop inside your swim trunks/body suit
My race became a triassthalon due to my nerves as I pooped myself
by Tamkin cpa June 3, 2021
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Purse purchase, the purchase of a purse
My wife would make a pursechase every week if we could afford to
by Tamkin cpa June 21, 2021
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To sneak out of a bad date, likely a blind date or set up date
She quickly left the restaurant making a datescape after seeing the guy was wierd
by Tamkin cpa July 25, 2018
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