11 definitions by TallicaD00d

The most overused, overrated suffix of all time.
There's actually a queercore!! FUCKING QUEERCORE!!!
by TallicaD00d January 16, 2005
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Hilariously awesome show featuring either Clive Anderson (British version) or Drew Carey (US version). Both have their own unique charm, however I much prefer the US version myself. Colin and Ryan are the best preformers in my opinion, however Wayne Brady is the best at making up songs on the spot. Definitely worth checking out if you haven't seen it before.
Turn on the T.V. man, Whose Line is on!
by TallicaD00d October 21, 2004
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"When my beer nuts turn to cotton balls, I'll be heading home to you."
by TallicaD00d February 28, 2005
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You know, if sometime tommorrow moom got into a car accident and died horribly while his children watched, I'd do nothing but laugh, because that'd be one less Hitler lover in the world.
by TallicaD00d October 12, 2004
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