2 definitions by Tab Smart

bat shit crazy: not mentally present: marked by EXTREME delusions, esp. of grandeur: beyond insane: total loss of reason and accountability: unaware or unconcerned about consequences, compulsive liar, lives in the past, weird . . .
"She's not just crazy, she's Palm Beach Crazy," do you know what I mean?"
by Tab Smart August 30, 2022
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Palm Beach Nuts means fucking CRAZY like Donald Trump CRAZY! It's bat-shit-crazy, nuts! It's BEYOND the nuthouse nuts, it's crazy, out-of-touch, delusional, NUTS! It's mental on steroids, out-of-your-mind, nuts! It's like thinking that the past is the present and the present is the past, nuts! It's like thinking you're a billionaire when you don't even have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of, nuts! It's like hiding Top Secret documents and trying to sell them, nuts! It's like burying an ex-wife on the first tee, nuts! It's like being so rich that it doesn't matter what you say, nuts! It's like lobotomy Ninja, nuts!
"Elsa is more than just crazy, she's fucking Palm Beach Nuts, the poor thing!" "Yesterday she introduced me to Jimmy Hoffa when I knew all along that he hadn't come home from work yet."
by Tab Smart August 30, 2022
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