19 definitions by TKinfinity

A Fat man or woman. Could also use the terms; Land-Walrus or Land-Seacow. Usually doesn’t care about getting in shape nor eating healthy.
Dam... look at that Land-Whale move, it’s like it’s walking in slow motion.
by TKinfinity July 17, 2019
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A Vegan or Vegetarian who actually think their diets are healthy.
All that Vegitard eats is lettuce. They’ll have no muscle density within 10 years. (Without steroids of course)
by TKinfinity July 17, 2019
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The fear of waking up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason, only to have to go through the effort of trying to get back to sleep.
I really hope Jannis can recover from her Awakenerosis, she’s been looking more tired lately.
by TKinfinity July 14, 2019
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Its like a 69 but the couple is mad at each other.
Jannis and Douglas were in a 96 last night, could have been because Douglas accidentally ran over the cat with the lawnmower.
by TKinfinity July 17, 2019
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Those who cannot understand context no matter how much they try. They take words and phrases at their bare bones meaning without taking into account the greater meaning hidden inside what has been said. Their understanding and assessment of conversation is very weak and jump to conclusions without trying to examine possible circumstances. These people usually cannot take a joke.
Those interns Jannis hired are complete and utter contextiots.
by TKinfinity July 14, 2019
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