2 definitions by TJP

Adj. meaning cheap or skanky due to its common use with people who shop at that supermarket. This started off due to the advertising campaign - 'Asda Mums' and was involuntary but oh well, bad luck, Asda, what are you going to do?
Asda mums - good for you!
That boy is so Asda, he won't have a nice phone!
by TJP May 9, 2005
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Noun. A person who is likely to attract the attention of the gay community due to his dress sense or the fact that he is wearing a hat in the shape of a red rooster. This person is insecure about their sexuality and so frequently feels the urge to do something about it by beating up his little brother in front of his friends. NB if the full term 'William Illingworth' is used, it indicates that this person has a website dedicated to them on the internet.
Wow, that kid looks so willingworth tonight!
Oi! Have you got a phone?
by TJP May 2, 2005
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