4 definitions by THIS_IS_MARTA

An exclamation of various things, these being anger, surprise, humility, embarrassment, etc.
"Dude! You failed your math test!"

"fuck a midget! I studied so hard for that test! Damn. I was too busy staring at Miss Havishams boobs."
by THIS_IS_MARTA March 10, 2009
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The almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster. Under the religion of Pastafarian, you worship this almighty deity.

Once i found the FSM, i was saved. His almighty sauciness engulfed me, and i was at peace with the world.
by THIS_IS_MARTA February 12, 2009
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An exclamation of repugnance, anger, discomfort, disappointment, or defeat.
"Your pregnant."


"Yes, blagershanfen indeed."
by THIS_IS_MARTA March 9, 2009
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And adjective describing anyone named Tessa, when they feel truly elated. Hence, tessalated.
"Tessa, do you feel tessalated today?"

"I'm just so tessalated right now, guys!"

"The tessalation going on in that room just blows my mind."
by THIS_IS_MARTA October 23, 2009
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