2 definitions by SwervinSuburban

The act of taking performance enhancing drugs and then working out profusely which in turn causes massive muscle growth and extreme penile shrinking.
Yo Tyler did you see CJ the other day? He looks all swoley mammoth.
by SwervinSuburban August 28, 2011
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The act of telling your "bro" that you are lifting weights or "pumping iron". or telling a none female acquaintance that you are about to hit up the gym and shred some plates.
Caller A: "phone rings" Watup

Caller B: Hey man you want to go get some burgers and fries?

Caller A: Naw man I am about to pawmpus

Caller B: Aight man I know you eat 45 pound plates for breakfast hit me up later.
by SwervinSuburban August 28, 2011
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