5 definitions by Stonerjew

The park is a park next to Fort Collins High School where all the park kids or stoners go to do drugs and fuck around. The park is not on school property so the park kids can't get in trouble by the school when smoking during the day.
Kid 1"bro let's go to the park and get high as fuck!"

Kid 2" ok mane I'm down."
by Stonerjew December 23, 2019
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High school students who go to Fort Collins High school that hangout at the park next to the school. They do drugs, drink, fuck around and are complete brain dead cunts. The park is off school grounds so the kids there can't get in trouble for doing drugs.
Jack is a park kid, so we know he's high in class.
by Stonerjew December 23, 2019
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Usually for drinking but also used as a sketchy dab rig or nectar collectar by heating up one end and pressing it onto dabs vaporizing it while sucking on the other end to inhale the smoke and getting high.
Let's go smoke some dabs, don't judge me I only have a metal straw.
by Stonerjew December 23, 2019
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Short beaner who will face time his girlfriend for 6 hours straight while you sit and play fortnite the whole time because you have nothing else to do.
I was at Tyler's house for 3 days and he couldn't stop tlaking to his girlfriend.
by Stonerjew December 23, 2019
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Glass or metal rig usually shaped like a straw used to take dabs.
I just got a new honey straw let's go smoke some dabs!
by Stonerjew December 23, 2019
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