5 definitions by StoneColdSaidSo

The self-less act one embarks on to save their siblings from eating Junk food.
Today I looked in the cupboard for the Birthday Cake Oreos mom bought. Then I saw Johnnie curled up on the ground spooning with the Oreo box. After he arose from his dense slumber he proclaimed "Arg!! The Calorie Crusade is over! I've have thwarted the Oreo Crown, and saved my sisters summer bods!" He is such a doll.
by StoneColdSaidSo July 4, 2016
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(n.) A male who has large flaccid penis, but also grows into an even larger hard penis.
Guy1: I’m a Grower, not a shower, 3 inches flaccid, 7 inches hard, solid Dong.

Guy2: Nice, I’m a shower, what you see, is what you get.

Guy3: I’m a ShowerGrower, what you see is just the tip of the ice berg, it Shows, and Grows.

Guy1/2: :0
by StoneColdSaidSo June 21, 2022
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An All-Star ProcrastaNapper is barely alive. The Serial ProcrastaNapper ProcrastaNaps before any, and all types of activities, instead of doing it proactively.
My Cousin Jeff is a Serial ProcrastaNapper. He lives in my guest-room and sleeps 18 hours a day in cyclical series of Procrastanaps throughout the day. He barely makes it up to clean his butt after soiling himself in his sleep.
by StoneColdSaidSo September 11, 2019
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One who routinely naps in order to avoid existential acts of meaningless, non-essential chores or duties. Serial Procrastanappers, often set unachievable napping times (i.e. 15 Minutes) routinely restarting the nap 3 times over, or just snoozing through it all together.
I'm a Serial ProcrastaNapper. Whenever I have to clean my room, I try to take a 15-minute nap, but just end up sleeping for 8 hours, instead.
by StoneColdSaidSo September 11, 2019
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The Irish Hello is a newly coined term derived from the already famous phrase "The Irish Goodbye". Essentially, it is the opposite of the "Irish Goodbye". The perpetrator of the "Irish Hello" will hold court, and show up to a place, party, event, or meeting, uninvited, and unwanted without any foreseeable indication of their arrival. Its first origins date back to John Paul Occhipinti's famous exile and return to his home in Scranton, PA. John Paul Occhipinti left his son John Salvatore Occhipinti the reins of the home with permission to throw countless, and endless parties, only to return from Ocala, Florida with no notice, intentionally killing the buzz of the summer parties that were set to ensue.
John Salvatore Occhipinti was in the midst of a Blockbuster House Party only to receive "The Irish Hello" from his father, John Paul Occhipinti who was in a Mesh Beach T-Shirt waiting at the door. John Salvatore had to leave his Beer Pong Championship Match to help unload his father's luggage, knowing full and well this Irish Hello was the Irish Goodbye to raging hard as fuck.
by StoneColdSaidSo September 11, 2019
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