3 definitions by Stevocauat18

Adjective describing something as being classy, much like a majestic horse, commonly used within the Australian culture.
Mario: Hey where's Karen tonight ?
Stephen: I think she's out with Joe again
Sevz: She's too horsey for us anyways.
by Stevocauat18 February 16, 2015
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Verb; Passing out drunk after only consuming a minimal amount of alcohol in a public setting.
Mario: Bro, where's James ?
Steve: Think he went Sevz bro, we should call for help.
by Stevocauat18 February 17, 2015
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An ab exercise which consists of laying flat on the ground with your hands tucked underneath your glutes followed by moving your legs up and rolling em in a bicycle motion while contracting the abs.
Gym rat: I think you should start implementing upriders in your weekly routine
Fatty: Alright if you say so
by Stevocauat18 February 17, 2015
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