11 definitions by Steve52

The art of talking to someone while you know what you are saying the one you are talking to has no idea what you are talking about.
I have no idea what he's talking about but he himself sure does. He really knows how to municate.
by Steve52 April 16, 2011
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The condition of one having more than one sex. It can be a physical condition, mental state or both. Typically occures when one is born one gender but thinks he/she should be of the other gender. (see Gender Confusion) This condition is also seen physically during transexual transformation.
It is used but rarely, to discribe the participants in an orgy or fuckfest.
Sam thinks he's actually Samantha. To try to eliminate this state of polygender, Sam's getting a sex change.
by Steve52 September 7, 2009
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To bathe only the genital area.
I know I'm going to have sex now but I'm dirty and smelly with no time or place to shower. I'll just use my knapkins and some water and have a Roman Shower.
by Steve52 December 17, 2008
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The sensation when real strong white stuff is snorted.
After snorting, he said, "Man that's some real strong white stuff, a real eye popper."
by Steve52 April 4, 2009
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The general term for when you call someone and they will not take the call, busy signal all the time, never can come to the phone etc.
Pete wouldn't talk to me on the phone and I know I'm getting a phone phuck.
by Steve52 February 22, 2010
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The old farts in shitty convolesent hospitals who have been overdosed on drugs who sre unable to hold their heads up.
Look at all the old headslumpers, so drugged in this hospital they can't keep their heads up and they drool.
by Steve52 March 17, 2008
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The act of two females putting themselves between each others' legs to pound thier genitalia together for mutual sexual satisfaction.
Those two girls look happy. I bet they spent the whole night clamslamming.
by Steve52 May 25, 2009
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