4 definitions by Steve MacThrusters

A slang term for Harvey's, a chain of hamburger restaurants in Canada. The term gained currency in the early 1980's in parts of Ontario, Canada and appears to have fallen into disuse. It's a bit of a joke definition, because the burgers there are usually substantial and of decent quality.
"I'm getting hungry, let's go hit Starvey's".
by Steve MacThrusters December 30, 2008
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Another name for McDonald's restaurants because the food is so crappy there.
"Hey, let's go to McPuke's for some crap-burgers."
by Steve MacThrusters December 30, 2008
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Another name for Kentucky Fried Chicken. Used in some parts of Ontario, Canada.
"Let's get a bucket of Kentucky Fried Buzzard."
by Steve MacThrusters December 30, 2008
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How you might feel if you have a bad cold - as in 'cruddy and my nose is filled with gunk.' cruddy + gunky = crunky.
"This cold is so bad I'm feeling just plain crunky today."
by Steve MacThrusters December 30, 2008
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