21 definitions by SteeringWheelFaceReveal

whta the hcek!!!1! thta is a firckign zimobe no carck!!1!1!1!!1!!!!11!
zombie on crack: im an zombie on crack
8 year old: butt crack hahaha
zombie on crack: brains
8 year old: ahhh im gonna brains eaten
zombie on crack: makes 8 year olds brain gourmet and then eats it with table utensils
by SteeringWheelFaceReveal June 11, 2023
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do i really need to define it? you are literally here right now.
urban dictionary in italic
by SteeringWheelFaceReveal June 12, 2023
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he looks so awesome but he was in a video naked and looked kinda funny
A: tyler j was naked in a video and i can’t clear if out of my head
B: just kill yourself
A: okay good idea
by SteeringWheelFaceReveal June 12, 2023
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