5 definitions by Spunkelunker

In homosexual parlance, equivalent to a "bottom". The one who receives the "load", as opposed to the one who delivers it, either in the mouth or the ass, ie. the "uploader"
-"How'd it go last night, Eric?"
-"Pretty sweet, man! I love bein a downloader! Loved swallowing his jizzabytes!"
by Spunkelunker August 14, 2010
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In homosexual parlance, equivalent to a "top". The one who provides the "load", as opposed to the one who receives it, either in the mouth or the ass, ie. the "downloader"
-Hey, man, Eric and I got it on full on last night!
-Sweet! Were you the uploader or downloader?
-Uploader, all the way! That guy received my jizzabytes like a champ!
by Spunkelunker August 14, 2010
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A person who believes Al Gore is the greatest scientific mind to have ever walked the earth and goes to outrageously stupid lengths to make themselves out to be "green", "eco-friendly" or "organic", etc. Also known as "Greentards" or "Ecotards"
Man, I set up a tent at the G8 protest and made a killing off of these Goretards by selling them bottled tap water I labeled as 100% organic and carbon-free. Dipshits!
by Spunkelunker July 30, 2010
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A person so obsessed with "environmentalism" and "being green" that they deem any sort of infraction against their misguided mindset as the ultimate sin. Possessed of a gigantic "holier than thou" attitude. Were this type of person given a choice between cutting down a tree and strangling a newborn baby...well, sorry baby!
-"Man, that guy just gave me the dirtiest look when I threw my water bottle into the garbage!"

-"Kyle? Yeah, don't mind him. He's a total fuckin' wingnut ecopath"
by Spunkelunker July 30, 2010
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To ejaculate prematurely, esp. in one's pants. From the acronym JIMP for "Jizz in My Pants", the title of a song by the group The Lonely Island.
Man, I just walked in the change room and saw Cody bent over & wearing nothing but snug-fitting black boxer briefs. I damn near jimped right then & there!
by Spunkelunker July 11, 2010
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