4 definitions by Sophia hemligten

when you don't like someone you free yourself from your life
"I hate that Rachel "
"same I think i'm going to yui her soon. she's being really annoying"
by Sophia hemligten November 2, 2020
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people born on September 23 are usually the coolest, funniest, hottest, smartest, best friend a person could ever have
"wow, that September 23, is great. I wish I could be like her"
"I know right she's the best."
by Sophia hemligten November 2, 2020
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"stop it Carter I'm very hajened from you enough."
by Sophia hemligten November 2, 2020
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annoyed and not wanting to do anything
"stop it Carter I'm very hajened from you already."
by Sophia hemligten November 2, 2020
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