3 definitions by SomeActualStrangerYouKnow

The action of failing miserably and describes a person who can never get what they desire. *cough* Brigitte *cough* This action may succeed at certain points but usually never occurs. Pulling this action may cause severe misfortune to the person commencing the verb and those around them.
Boi he's pulling a Macob Jetts!
Boi he messed up again!
Wtf! Stop pulling a Macob Jetts!
Jesus Christ my lord and savior please save us from the Macob Jetts....
by SomeActualStrangerYouKnow April 4, 2017
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A dog run is a leisurely walk or jog that you use as an excuse to go to people's houses (usually friends) to pet their dogs. Depending in circumstance one may buy dog treats to appeal to the dog which leads to the owner admitting you to their house.
Last week I went on a dog run because I needed affection from a friend and mainly their dog.
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This is the best ship name for any Ruby and James. It's the name of a perfect couple. Many would be jealous of this ship. This ship is the most proactive and beautiful couple.
Is that a rubames couple?
Yes and it's pretty hot...
by SomeActualStrangerYouKnow March 31, 2017
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