1 definition by Socorion

Verb (used with object)
1. to have sexual intercourse with.

2. Slang . to treat unfairly or harshly.

Verb (used without object)
3. to have sexual intercourse.

4. Slang . to meddle (usually followed by around or with ).
5. Slang . (used to express anger, disgust, peremptory rejection, etc., often followed by a pronoun, as you or it.)
6. an act of sex

7. a partner in sex
8. Slang . a person, especially one who is annoying or contemptible. (usually followed by hole or head)
Verb Phrases
9. Gooch around , Slang .
a. to behave in a frivolous or meddlesome way.

b. to engage in promiscuous sex.

10. Gooch off , Slang .

a. to shirk one's duty; malinger.

b. go away: used as an exclamation of impatience.

c. to waste time.

11. Gooch up, Slang .

a. to bungle or botch; ruin.

b. to act stupidly or carelessly; cause trouble; mess up.
18. give a gooch , Slang . to care; be concerned (usually used in the negative):
Girl 1: "I'm gooch'd off, my boyfriend almost came in my face"
Girl 2: "He almost gooch'd you. I got gooch'd once, and I'm never taking a gooching to the face without tissues again."
Male 1: "I tried to gooch on her face, but I missed, son of a gooch"
Male 2: "Ha! She gave you the reverse gooch!"
by Socorion December 14, 2018
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