2 definitions by Smithy983497

Majin Buu

Majin Buu is a giant fat pink monster from the dragonball z series. he has the consistency of play-doh and turns people into candy using the weird tentacle on his forehead. he starts out as a villain, but eventually becomes a good guy. also, he has the most annoying and incomprehensible voice in the world.
Majin Buu: Buu no like you!

Gohan: WTF?!

Buu: WHEEEEEEEEE!!!! (starts running around in circles)

Gohan: Ooookay, i'll just kill u now. (blows up buu's head)
by Smithy983497 August 10, 2011
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Che Guevara

Che Guevara was a anti-Semitic, anti-gay, anti-black mass-murdering psychopath who is inexplicably idolized by idiotic high-school and college liberals. He is most commonly seen adorning t-shirts purchased from corrupt capitalist corporations, which is ironic considering the fact that Che Guevara was a Communist.

Che Guevara died like a bitch at the age of 39 by execution while begging for his life like the coward he was. He is currently rotting in the pits of hell right next to Joseph and Adolf.
"Rebellious" Liberal: Man, Che Guevara was a political genius! Viva la Revolución!
Intelligent Human Being: Che Guevara? You mean the mass-murdering commie scumfuck war criminal who killed thousands without due process or trial? Go and educate yourself before you spread the philosophy of terrorists, mmmkay?
by Smithy983497 April 20, 2015
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