3 definitions by Sir benjamin

the two brave yet cheeky hobbits featured in lord of the rings.Despite speculation they are having a homosexual relationship. They are now happily married in bag end.
'The trees are moving Merry, i know pip.'
by Sir benjamin April 20, 2005
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A NiGerr is someone that complains about the smallest things in the planet that no one really cares about...sometimes it can be used for someone that insults someone over a small thing.
"Don't call me a fucking poof you NiGerr"
by Sir benjamin August 23, 2022
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A long stream of nonsense.Originated from the mind of Mr T.
'Quit your Jibba Jabba, foo. Now fetch me a ten wheel truck with a cannon or Mr T will whup yo ass back to the middle ages!
by Sir benjamin April 19, 2005
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