4 definitions by ShortHairLvr

Member of the spice girls band. Rumoured to be queer - a sure sign is when publicity machines skim over details on their private life.
Referenced in the film Bend it Like Beckham. Mum: You'll never get a guy always wearing trackies - just look at Sporty Spice.
by ShortHairLvr August 8, 2005
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1. (noun, derog.) A useless or inept man. Used in South Africa and short for tosser or wanker.
2. Throw, usually gently.
3. (in jail, police vehicle) Detain.
4. Search a place roughly with damage.
5. (back) Drink an alchoholic beverage.
6. (down) Lay prone with sexual intentions.
7. Vomit, barf, puke, spew often from excess alcohol.
8. Masturbate, wank, tug
9. (salad) Analinguis, rim, eat ass. Usage more common amongst homosexuals.
1. Why did she marry that toss?
2. Toss me the keys, please.
3. The cops tossed me in the sin bin.
4. They tossed my house looking for drugs and cut open every pillow, cushion, and matress - everything was on the floor.
5. Let's have a perv at the peel palace and toss back a few.
6. I'd love to toss (or throw) her down.
7. "He tossed his cookies and passed out cold - time to write on his face and photograph a dick on his cheek! Our gift to the soccer moms at MADD." or "Gross, I'm going to toss (my cookies)!"
8. I'm quitting tossing, um, tomorrow.
9. She was K9 and I tossed her salad with my fingers in her cunt and thumb on her button until she squirted!
by ShortHairLvr August 8, 2005
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(n.) When sexual relations between a lesbian couple have virtually ceased, yet the companionship remains.
They've been together for a while; adopted two girls from China - lesbian bed death doesn't surprise me.
by ShortHairLvr August 8, 2005
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Noun; Nickname given to a friend or lover, often male in non-intimate settings. The longer version: pooky is used in private, often by a lover. Similar to honey and Honey Buns}. Varianet: (the)Pookster, used around friends; refers to lover or close friend.
1. "Pook, let's get to the store."
2. "Pookie, you were great last night!"
3. "Girls, I need coffee - Pookster went all night!"
by ShortHairLvr August 8, 2005
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