18 definitions by SeaBat

"Don't do a drama now, we're in the middle of the mall & everyone's lookin'."
by SeaBat June 10, 2006
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To consume something in large, hasty bites.
"Did you even taste that bag of Cheezies? You just mowlfed em."
by SeaBat June 12, 2006
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A group of jockish, high school ass hats who came to notoriety in the early 1990s for use of a "point system" to publicize the number of girls they had sex with.
The controversy was in the fact that half the girls counted were either raped or otherwise sexually violated in some way by the group.
A common scenario was the "spur posse" would descend upon lone individuals and let the group animal go nutz.

The spur posse enjoyed giving each other long, lingering blowjobs in the rec center locker room. And raping people.
by SeaBat June 11, 2006
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The worst euphemism ever for "asshole".

First emerged circa 1995 in an erotica novel entitled "Fairy Tale Stories for GrownUps," and has made intermittent guest appearances in other coy, female-penned soft-porn literature since that time.
Cinderella, wearing only glass ho heels, begged the Prince to sock it to her rose hole.
by SeaBat June 11, 2006
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