4 definitions by Schlöö

highest ranked magician of the universe. has incredible magic powers
omg thats a sandus samandus. im so scared....
by Schlöö June 8, 2022
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big simp. is addicted to girls and doesn't care about the homies.
why is he always with the women?
that's just sergeyyyy you know...
by Schlöö November 23, 2021
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when you find someone extremely attractive, yo can use "Güdel" to express how sexy someone is.
omg he is so güdel. i wanna eaat his nüdel.
by Schlöö June 8, 2022
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This trend is very new. Because there’s deainfectant everywhere now, people put it in their hands and slap you with it. The day, when this happens often is called schlee tag. The trend is mostly in switzerland.
*Person slaps you*
Me: why did you do that?
Person: because its schlee tag!
by Schlöö December 15, 2020
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