5 definitions by Sarah to peeps

A polite way of talking about one's breasts.
"Look at that fine lady with those gigantic things in the ze-bra!"
by Sarah to peeps July 21, 2005
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One who is obsessed with Jelly Jubes.
"gimme that packet." *grabs Jelly Jubes packet*

"I cant help it if im a juberaholic!"

"the first step is knowing you have a problem and you have."
by Sarah to peeps July 21, 2005
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One who continuously laughs uncontrollibly after veiwing multiple humerous acts.
"Last night me and my friend were watching 'The Drew Carey Show' and I had a laughing fit until 11.00 at night!"
by Sarah to peeps July 21, 2005
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Something navigators forget to mention before you begin a long journey and get lost.
"I thought navigators could read maps!"

"Im sorry but I just tell people the 'right' way to go...who needs maps anyway."
by Sarah to peeps July 21, 2005
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