2 definitions by Samosaone

1. One who double parks his drinks, afraid to have to wait go wait on queue again for a drink (because he's a bloody fast drinker... and an alcoholic). ie like, multi-tasking.

2. A borderline alcoholic who lines up more than one drink at a time, sometimes up to 4, so as not to waste time queueing up.
Joe: Geez, Stan's got two drinks lined up and getting shots too.

Jason: i know, man....bloody alcoholic...he's a damn good multi-flasker.
by Samosaone August 7, 2011
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A systematic set of instructions that take the shape of words from an individual or even their clothes or appearance that allows one to instantly insult or dis someone as soon as they are addressed by the individual.
Joe: So yeah, for some reason I was being nice to everyone today.

Sid: dude, that's not like you.

Joe: I know, I totally must've been running an incorrect vulgarithm today.
by Samosaone March 9, 2011
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