23 definitions by Sacredfart

The end of the hoe phase. The act of becoming not a slut anymore.
I lost a lot of friends during my deslutsition but that’s their loss.
by Sacredfart August 3, 2023
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Code 3 are a series of hospital codes that basically mean “other specified emergency.” The exact codes vary by hospital but they most commonly include:

- anesthesia: surgery fuck up
- IV therapy: emergency meds needed
- stroke activation team: self explanatory

- blood bank: self explanatory

- EKG: cardiac arrhythmia emergency

- echo: other cardiac emergency

- laboratory: emergency diagnostics
- House nurse: CPR team on standby
- Star: severe injury acquired in the hospital
Me : *going into surgery* “Damn I’m real nervous.”

Nurse: “well don’t be, surgical mistakes are almost unheard of in this hospital.”

Intercom: “code three, anesthesia.”

Me: “well fuck.”
by Sacredfart June 19, 2023
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A term used in the very niche community of medical malpractice victims. It stands for “providence trauma and stress disorder” because providence is a major healthcare network known for malpractice.
Me: *working at a non Providence hospital blocks away from a providence one.*
Me: “So what’s your opinion on providence, they overdosed me once cause they dosed my meds in the wrong unit of measurement, then called the cops on me when I threatened to sue and tried to frame me for first degree assault.”
Patient: “funny little story you got there, they amputated the wrong fucking leg.”
Patient 2: “yeah but did they kill your daughter? No? Stfu with your pussy stories.”
Patient 3: “hate to eavesdrop but the only reason I came here was cause providence gave me the wrong blood type after my accident, it’s actually a miracle I’m alive because they laughed at me.”
Patient 4: “okay okay but are you guys the ones with brain cancer? No, they kept saying my MRIs were normal then laughed like 4 weeks later and were like “haha it’s a prank.”
Me: “damn, PTSD 2.0 victims need a fucking support group.”
by Sacredfart April 4, 2023
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A white blonde girl that meets the stereotype. Attractive, dumb, main quality is sex, fake, acts and looks like a Barbie, and way too feminine.
Don’t be a sexist, not all women are bimbos you know.
by Sacredfart June 27, 2023
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This thing that hospital admin makes people do sometimes where we “need” to take valuable time out of our work day to narc on people not washing their hands efficiently.
Me writing one if I actually filled them out: “so I stalkerishly followed a nurse into the bathroom and while I was pretending to take a piss I was actually singing happy birthday in my head to see how long she washed her hands for. And I got to that 🎶🎶 “happy birthday dear fuck you” 🎶🎶🎶 but I didn’t quite get to that last “happy birthday to you” verse.

Signed, my hand hygiene audits of April 4th 2023
by Sacredfart April 5, 2023
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Used to represent the idea that therapy is a pyramid scheme. Basically the idea that people who need therapy go and advertise it to everyone and says vague stuff like “everyone needs a little therapy” and advertise that in schools, on TV and stuff without actually explaining what therapy is and why they need it.
Dr: “I mean chronic illness is really hard to deal with, you should try therapy.”
Patient: “no.”
Dr: “well we all need some therapy.”
Patient: “oh but that’s what they want you to think. Big therapy just says that so that they can sell more therapies.
by Sacredfart April 1, 2023
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Someone how’s at the hospital a lot.

- can be used derogatorily to accuse a patient of being overdramatic, being a hypochondriac, lying, or drug seeking.

- can be used lightheartedly by staff or the patient to refer to people with severe chronic illnesses.

- can be used rudely to suggest that a chronic illness patient is a burden.
My immunocompermised ass: *walking into my biweekly urgent care appointment*

The PA student: “I’m just super nervous to do my first clinical exam by myself.”
The PA: *points at me* “ you can take the frequent flyer. She’s easy and the answer is always antibiotics.”
by Sacredfart March 20, 2023
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