24 definitions by Sabbathuse

messiah sabbath; a noun a church name
Messiahsabbath has invited all people observe sabbathday in every 7th days of the week as instructed by God.
by Sabbathuse April 16, 2020
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messiahsabbath; a name of church
Messiahsabbath invite its members for a special prayers every 7th days of the week.
by Sabbathuse April 16, 2020
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Sabbathuse: covenant of God
Sabbathuse is a son of prophet Jesmion the priest of the most highest God, From Umuogoulo, Uruagu Umudioka, Dunukofia local government, Anambra state Biafra.
by Sabbathuse April 1, 2021
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Sabbathuse: God's covenant
Sabbathuse has finished sss3 with the federal government college minna nigeria and proceed studying electronic electrical engineering with the flying dove polythecnic abuja.
by Sabbathuse April 1, 2021
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Sabbathuse: God's agreement
Sabbathuse is a son of prophet Jesmion chikwudi Ibekwe, from Umuogoulo, Uruagu, Umudioka, Dunukofia, Anambra, Biafra.
Sabbathuse has his education from Nursery school, primary school, secondary school, and polytechnic education.
He studied at Federal Government College Minna, and after he had finished sss3, he then got admission with Flying Dove polytechnic situated at Madala Abuja; he chose electronic electrical engineering.
by Sabbathuse April 2, 2021
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The Yaoweh is same yesterday, today and forever.
Yaoweh had been called the holyspirit; some calls Yaoweh as power of God; what would you call it? However, prophet Jesmion the priest of the most highest God had name it yaoweh.
The Yaoweh had been referred to be a Dove'ssimilarity doesn mean that Yaoweh was a pigeon; Yaoweh was referred as tongue of fire and flame of fire doesn't mean that Yaoweh is fire.
Yaoweh is the spirit of IamWhoIam
by Sabbathuse April 27, 2020
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BNGO Biafra Non Government Organization
by jesmion
The BNGO has resolved to set a special panel for peacebuilding in biafra

Bngo schedule to setup sustainable social development workshop to meet with 2030 agenda on poverty eradication
I hate injustice that is a reason you can see me works in Bngo. jesmion
All hands on desk; no person is to be left behind as we are to achieve sustainable development goals SDGs in UNBNGO UnitedNationsBiafraNonGovernmentalOrganization

would you kindly email me on biafranedu@gmail.com or Text me on +2348082363605 for a special delegation to United Nations summiwould you kindly email me on biafranedu@gmail.com or Text me on +2348082363605 for a special delegation to United Nations summit.
by Sabbathuse December 3, 2018
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