13 definitions by STUVWX MC^234567

Stevens are generally cunts. They are highly opinionated of others and hold themselves in high esteem. It is common for the word 'arsehole' to be used colloquially for people named Steven. Stevens are typically forgetful, and struggle to listen to their significant others due to their all consuming self-interest. Stevens are tight arses but like to spend money on themselves.

Statistically, people named Steven are more prone to delusions of grandeur.

Apart from the negative vibes that people named Steven have throughout history given to the name, the name itself possesses mystical qualities. When we take the alphabet and extract the letter combination STUVWX a miraculous thing occurs.

1. As we know in mathematics, 'X' represents an unknown quantity. Therefore, we can substitute 'X' for 'N' giving it a known quantity. Thus, we produce STUVWN.

2. If we 'double the 'U' as the letter 'W' commands of us ("double u!"), we get STUUVWN.

3. When we turn the 'UU' and 'W' 90 degree's clockwise the name STEVEN appears.

STEVEN is perhaps the most mystical name in the entire English language for this very fact.


This cryptogram was formulated alongside the development of Hidden Number Theory by a mystical sorcerer known only as STEVEN.
Person: Hi Steven, how are you today? Steven: Better than you.
by STUVWX MC^234567 August 1, 2019
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E=mc2 is an incorrect format to write Einsteins equation for the theory of special relativity. The correct way to write the equation when the hypertext capability is not possible is to use ^2. Thus, the correct way to write the equation is E=mc^2. (ESMC)

Rest Energy=Rest Mass*Speed of Light (3.0*10^8m/s)^2

Derived by Einstein and is the fundamental equation that explains mass->energy conversion.
E=mc^2 not E=mc2
by STUVWX MC^234567 July 11, 2019
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This essay makes the proposition that 'The Lizard King' is an encryption of 'TUVWXYZABCD 01234' based on the concepts described in both Hidden Number Theory and the Cobain cipher.

Firstly, ‘Mr Mojo Risin’ is an anagram of ‘Jim Morrison’. Therefore, we know Morrison was aware of this encryption method. Secondly, ‘Risin’ is not an actual word, however, it is a bastardisation of the word ‘rising’. Therefore, we know that Morrison was aware that letters can be manipulated to achieve a desired effect. Thirdly, in The Doors song ‘Soul Kitchen’, Morrison states, “Speak in secret alphabets”. Therefore, we know Morrison was aware of substitution ciphers and spoke using encrypted forms. These examples justify the potential that ‘The Lizard King’ is a cryptogram. An example (see, Quora: “What is The Lizard King encryption?”) is given demonstrating this cryptogram using techniques Morrison described in his own words.

In conclusion, based on the explicit evidence present in Jim Morrison's body of work, including confessions that his writings were encrypted with hidden meanings, the hypothesis of this essay is that the letter combination 'The Lizard King', based on the methodologies described in both Hidden Number Theory and the Cobain cipher, is an encryption of 'TUVWXYZABCD 01234'.
by STUVWX MC^234567 August 22, 2019
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FRENZAL RHOMB are an Australian Punk rock band. Based on the principles of Hidden Number Theory and Cobain cipher, 'FRENZAL RHOMB' is a cryptogram of 43210 BADGED.

FRENZAL RHOMB - 4r3n2a1 rh0mb - 103643 - BADGED
Frenzal Rhomb - Hidden Number Theory - Cobain cipher - Hutchence Hypothesis
by STUVWX MC^234567 August 18, 2019
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Hidden Number Theory is the umbrella term for the mode of perception that allows the observer to extract the ‘hidden’ letters, words and numbers within letters, words, and numbers. The following examples will demonstrate the method behind this concept using the words Eight and Light as well as the letter O and number 0.

Example one

Eight, Light

In this example, we can observe how the word Light is seemingly ‘hidden’ within the word Eight. All we must do is remove the top arm and the centre crossbar of the E to reveal the ‘hidden’ L. Thus, the word Light appears. This example demonstrates both a hidden letter within a letter and a hidden word within a word.

Example two

word, crow

In this example, we can observe how the word crow is seemingly ‘hidden’ within the word, word. All we must do is remove the stem from the letter d to reveal the apparent ‘hidden’ c which reveals the letter combination worc. Next, we reverse this letter combination to reveal the seemingly ‘hidden’ word crow.

This methodology allows the user artistic licence to elaborate on this methodology and develop a sentence. For example, “There are eight bright lights” and “The crows work is in misguided words”.

Example three

O, 0

In this example, we can observe the similarities between the letters O and the number 0, in that they are both circular. Through the elaboration of this idea, the Cobain cipher was developed.
Hidden Number Theory was identified and defined by Steven McCreanor to demonstrate the logic behind the deliberate cryptogram STUVWX MC^234567.
by STUVWX MC^234567 August 28, 2019
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IHSO is a letter combination that possesses a high level of qualitative cryptographic strangeness. When the combination is encrypted with a Caesar shift, the first line of letters one shift alphabetically backwards is 'HGRN'. Although this is not a word, with the right kind of perspective, HORN becomes visible. IHSO can be encrypted to 0, 1 & 2 with Hidden Numbers Theory's Cobain cipher. These types of characteristics are rare in a four letter combination giving IHSO a high level of qualitative strangeness.
IHSO? Qualitative strangeness? That is like saying that ESMC also possesses a similar level of qualitative strangeness? Good luck with that one mate!
by STUVWX MC^234567 August 4, 2019
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