4 definitions by RtotheOB

The legal system of countries such as England (not scotland, they have a civil law system), Australia and USA.

It's a bullshit way to codify what a 2 year old can tell is right or wrong.

It's supposed to be fluid to modiy with changing society opinions on what is right or wrong. But in fact is full of old cunt judges who are so conservative they still think we should all be living with blacks and women as slaves and servants.

The judges write huge ass judgments to reason their thoughts out in a ruling which is so circular and wordy that the same thing can be written in 1 page including a picture.

In criminal law, it works pretty well, but for civil matters, it's the most useless way to get things done.

If you look at the law of contracts or torts, you can smell the bullshit that goes on from a mile away.

The common law is not designed to uphold justice but to uphold the sack of gold of the rich. If you've got money, you can't lose - that's read as "appeal".
Thank God for Equity, because the common law was just about to take my uncle's only house that he's had in his family for 5 generations because some fuckin bogan tricked him.
by RtotheOB May 20, 2005
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The whole common law judicial process is adversarial and hence the lawyers of both sides concentrate on their own argument so the Judge can make an informed decision.

The problem is, one of the lawyers always sucks so the judge receives a very unbalanced view.

Hence, lawyers are selfish bastards only interested in advancing their own case. By doing this, justice gets fucked over because judges can't know everything about the law, that's not their job. And because they don't know every aspect of the law, all you have is lawyers coming down to techinicalities that don't really have shit all to do with justice.
Thank God that their are some judges out there who actually know the law and can smell lawyers and their bullshit from a mile away.
by RtotheOB May 20, 2005
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Coolest chick ever with cool sunnies. Just so damn cool!

Loves guys with yellow Scoobies as well...loves heeland coos also. Just makes her even cooler
dude1: You see Lidizzle go from from 0-60mph in 5 seconds in that rex?
dude2: Yeah I think there was a heeland coo following.
by RtotheOB May 8, 2005
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1. The value of the shares/stock issued by a company.

2. A branch of law that developed alongside the common law in order to fix some of the outright bullshit, injustice and unfairness present in the common law
1. This company doesn't have much equity, it must be financed through a lot of debt. If it doesn't produce enough cash flow from operations, they banks are coming to claim their interest and it's goind under.

2. Yo, did you hear how the common law courts tried to give the dude's house that he paid for to that skanky hoe just because her name was on the deed. Thank God that in Equity he was ruled to have some beneficial title in it. If the common law was the only system that existed, we'd all be anally raped in the snow and left to freeze.
by RtotheOB May 20, 2005
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