10 definitions by Roy Sanchez

1: Placing your testicles over an open flame, such as a bunsen burner, and then shaking your nuts over someones face while they sleep. This causes your burnt pubic hair to cover their face.
Dude, I woke up this morning and had char-broiled sprinkles all over my face. That shit is gross.
by Roy Sanchez August 8, 2006
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1:The packaging of chocolate or peanut butter fudge into a box.
My dad is known for his fudge packing at the local candy store. Children and adults alike come miles to get their fudge packed by him.
by Roy Sanchez July 27, 2006
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1: A dripping wet vagina. Usually results from impure thoughts about penis or other chicks vags. Can also result from a loving touch every now and again.
Ashleigh has a sopping snatch.
by Roy Sanchez August 3, 2006
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1: A rodent that is slippery.

2: When lubricating a weasel or other rodent and letting it run wild at another person's asshole while they are blindfolded.
1: That rat is such a greasy weasel.

2: I tied her up and let my ferret Sanchez give her a greasy weasel.
by Roy Sanchez August 8, 2006
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1: When a woman is walking around naked and gets stung by a bee on a vag lip. It causes great swelling and orgasmic satisfaction.
The crazy nudist ho got a vagina sting and fell into an orgasmic rage.
by Roy Sanchez July 27, 2006
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1: When recieving fellatio and at the point of orgasmic climax, the giver forcefully grabs the recievers testicles and shoves them into the person's tight, sensitive asshole. The results in a very surprised look and, sadly, blue balls.
She gave me such a blueberry surprise I haven't touched my nuts in weeks or taken a dump in a month.
by Roy Sanchez August 8, 2006
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1: A noun describing a dirty wet vagina. Although, the vagina does not need to be dirty or wet, it just helps.

2: An insult inferring vagina status

1: That punaner was so scrumptious I shit my pants.

2: That Zach Taylor kid is such a punaner.
by Roy Sanchez August 8, 2006
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