11 definitions by Roger Halunen

Showing a lack of foresight or long term planning in Mesopotamia (A geographic region in the Middle East also known as Persia or Iraq).
George W. Bush has proven to be Mesomyopic with his approach to the war, insurgency, or reconstruction in the Middle East
by Roger Halunen February 4, 2006
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A variation of meteorologist pertaining specifically to TV weather people that have no credentials or scientific training in predicting the weather.
That meteorolomythst can really read a teleprompter and act in front of a green screen.
by Roger Halunen January 15, 2006
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Commingling of conundrum & cornucopia that specifically relates to having an abundance of problems or issues.
George W. Bush has found himself in a cunundrumucopia since we went into Iraq.
by Roger Halunen January 15, 2006
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Commingling of the words Conundrum & Cornucopia. A virtual unlimited problem set.
Our involment in Iraq has presented George W. Bush a conundrumacopia of possibilities and opportunities.
by Roger Halunen August 14, 2005
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