6 definitions by Rodderz

1. A word to describe an ex that you still have feelings for
1. 'I still demi demi!!!'
by Rodderz April 17, 2005
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When inebriated this word can be substituted for almost any other i.e. instead the word 'stupid' could be substituted for 'shaduka'
dude, stop being so shaduka
well, that film was shaduka
by Rodderz May 5, 2005
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1. A small animal from the furthest reaches of the globe
2. A nickname for those that are ginger but attmept to hide it in some way i.e. dying their hair
3. In some cultures it can be taken as a compliment or term of endearment
1. 'holy crap! 'Tis a Smeddles!'
2. 'look at the ginger dude pretend hes blonde what a smeddles!'
3. 'I love you smeddles'
by Rodderz April 17, 2005
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1) A person who is a wannabe of someone an awful lot more popular and as such tries to be like them.
2) Likes to share their problems....non stop....it never ends!!!
1) dude, he's trying to act like him! He's gonna turn into a miniben!
2) i'm so depressed....my life is poo......i hate things....my hairs bad...i have questionable body odour etc etc
by Rodderz May 5, 2005
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1) A name used to describe a younger sister of a friend.
2) Doesn't like miniben(s)
3) An attractive girls initials
1) 'Hey, whos that?', 'oh thats lizi, she's chris's e.v.o'
2) She actually doesn't
3) Figure them out for yourself!
by Rodderz May 6, 2005
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