115 definitions by Rod Brock

An automated device once used in processing fish, particularly salmon. The term derives from the fact that in the early history of the U.S. fishing industry, individuals of Chinese extraction were often employed in fish canneries. The "iron chink" displaced many Chinese workers.
There's an iron chink on display at the Museum of History and Industry.
by Rod Brock July 24, 2006
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An allusion to being corporally punished, where the victim would be sent to the woodshed to await his punisher. The woodshed was a popular location, because it was remote from the rest of the family, and there was abundant material there for fashioning a paddle or a switch.
Get to the woodshed boy - your pa is gonna tan your hide when he gets home from the mill.
by Rod Brock July 26, 2006
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Turd-shaped, chocolate-glazed "donut bites," sold boxed in grocery outlet stores.
I picked up a couple of boxes of dog turds to have with coffee on Sunday morning.
by Rod Brock July 27, 2006
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